Academic underachievement often significantly impacts the student’s feelings about him/herself and hopes for the future. Professional counseling helps your underachieving child cope with and overcome lowered self-esteem, anxiety, and depression due to academic challenges. Professional counseling can help you get past blaming and feelings of helplessness in assisting your child to achieve better academic results.
- Failure to complete or turn in homework in a class that does not involve the student’s disability.
- Lack of motivation or disinterest in school, along with a tendency to make excuses for school failure, are additional signs.
- Refusal to accept blame or responsibility for his own achievement.
- Daydreaming or socializing too much and making school work the lowest priority indicate underachievement as well.
- Students with falling grades and who take no satisfaction or pride in schoolwork likely suffer from underachievement too.
- The same goes for students who see themselves as having no chance to succeed so behave as if they’re already defeated rather than try to perform well.