Everyone feels sad, excited or angry sometimes. When kids feel too good, too mad, or too sad, they might have a mood disorder. A mood disorder is an illness of the brain. The feelings, thoughts and behaviors of mood disorders can cause problems in a kid’s life. What causes mood disorders in children is up for debate. There are chemicals in the brain that are responsible for positive moods. Mood disorders may be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, on its own or along with environmental factors, such as unexpected life events and/or chronic stress.
- Difficulty achieving in school
- Constant anger
- Rebellious behaviors
- Trouble with family
- Difficulty with friends and peers
- Persistent feelings of sadness
- Feeling hopeless or helpless
- Having low self-esteem
- Feeling inadequate
- Excessive guilt
- Loss of interest in usual activities or activities once enjoyed
- Difficulty with relationships
- Sleep disturbances (for example, insomnia, or hypersomnia)
- Changes in appetite or weight
- Decreased energy
- Difficulty concentrating
- A decrease in the ability to make decisions
- Suicidal thoughts or attempts
- Frequent physical complaints (for example, headache, stomachache, or fatigue)
- Running away or threats of running away from home
- Hypersensitivity to failure or rejection
- Irritability, hostility, aggression